Monday, 27 October 2014

The Man Bun: Has it gone too far?

In today's society, some would say men are taking more pride in their appearance than women. Gone are the days of the scruffy Aussie bloke, instead we're seeing primed, proper 'indie' alternative lads or Stereosonic gym junkies. Although the later is a questionable species of male, there are no complaints here from the stylish 'indie' guy and more importantly, the man bun that's paired with it.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it, I'm all about the man bun. There's something sexy about a guy with long hair. It portrays a laid back kind of guy even though in reality he's probably spent more time perfecting that mun (man bun) than a girl trying to nail a 'messy bun'. Yep, we've been there. 

There's only one thing that can melt a woman's ovaries faster than Chris Hemsworth wearing a man bun: it's Chris Hemsworth holding a baby wearing a man bun. 

But gone are the days of the scruffy long haired man bun, there's a new man bun in town. It's unusual, it's odd and it's very in. Behold, the Top Knot or the Undercut Man bun. Whatever you want to call it, its the new craze of fashionable men. Now the question presents itself, has the man bun gone too far? Not only would this be a hard hairstyle to maintain, but it completely defeats the look of a scruffy, carefree man bun. Either or, there is an undeniable appeal to the look.

Give us your opinion on the new mun - The term is going to catch on, i'm sure of it.

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